Pastoral Transition
On Sunday, January 16th, Pastor John Stoeckle announced his resignation as Lead Pastor, effective April 24, 2022. Here is where you can keep up to date on the Pastoral Transition.
June 25, 2023
Quick update on Ricardo and his family. We are still planning for an August 1st start date. The District Office asks that we would give them two weeks as a transition time between when he leaves his current church and when he starts with FAC, and the Governance Authority agrees with that. So Ricardo’s first Sunday here won’t be until the 20th of August.
Pastor Joel’s last Sunday will be August 13th.
One of the big concerns the Volcy’s have had is finding a house, as you can imagine with having a family of 5 children. On that front we have a praise. There was a house they were interested in that went under contract very quickly with another party. That contract fell through this week and they were able to put in an offer which was accepted! Be praying the process of settlement through as there are many steps along the way. Current closing date is estimated to be around the end of July.
Pray for them and the church as we prepare for them.
May 28, 2023
First Alliance Church has called a new Lead Pastor!
We anticipate welcoming Ricardo Volcy as our next Lead Pastor!
Scroll to minute marker 30:00 to hear elder Scott Smith share the update on Pastor Ricardo Volcy
Transcript of what Scott Smith, head elder, shared during the morning service on Sunday, May 28, 2023.
“I just want to start out by thanking everyone for a wonderful weekend last weekend; the great job you guys did in participation [of the candidate weekend]. Ricardo wrote a really nice letter to the Search Committee and you could tell that he really enjoyed the weekend and felt like his family was welcomed. Overall, we go the sense that he felt it was a really good weekend.
I appreciate all the feedback we received. We had a good turnout for the luncheon on Sunday [meet & greet of the Volcy family] and a good turnout for the [Congregational] meeting Sunday evening. We got a lot of feedback. There were some that were no but overwhelmingly it was positive to invite Ricardo. The Governance Authority met Wednesday [May 24] evening and we voted to extend the call to Ricardo. We did that Thursday morning and he accepted right away. You could tell he was feeling the call strongly too. That was encouragement.
You might have seen in the email we sent out [May 26], we set a tentative start date for August 1st. Part of that is to allow him to transition his family here. They are hoping to be able to find a home here; not necessarily easy to do especially for a family of 7. That gives them some time to get ready and look and make that transition.
We also felt like we would like to offer his current church in Stroudsburg the opportunity to have some transition. I remember when Pastor John [Stoeckle] said he was leaving we had several months to prepare and we wanted to extend that to his current church. That time can be really valuable. Again, he’s the head pastor of another church so there’s that whole transition that needs to take place.
That’s kind of where we came up with August 1st. It could be sooner, just depends on how the Lord leads. We don’t anticipate it will be later. But we’re thankful for the Lord’s leading in all of this. Thank all of you for all your participation and help.”
May 18, 2023
Here is the itinerary for Candidate Weekend, as well as Ricardo’s candidate profile description and an explanation of how the decision making process works.
The Pastoral Search Process in the Christian & Missionary Alliance:
1. Establish a Search Team
2. Craft a Transition Profile
3. Review Resumes
4. Conduct Interviews
5. Select a Candidate
6. Hosting a Candidate.
Making a Decision (taken from FAC’s by-laws):
The Governance Authority is responsible for calling the pastor, not the congregation or Search Team. A vote regarding the call of the candidate should be taken soon after the hosting the candidate, preferably within 7-10 days. The decision of the Governance Authority and the vote count is to be given to the District Office. The District Office will contact the candidate to inform him of the decision of the Governance Authority. If a call has been extended to the candidate by the church to be its next pastor, the District Office will communicate the candidate’s response to the Governance Authority.
Please join us in praying for the Volcy family as we pray for God to direct and guide this process!
Candidate Weekend - May 19-21
5/19 - Friday morning – Staff & Preschool
Observe Tender Hearts Preschool and meet with Holly
Meet with Church Staff in AM and PM.
5/19 - Friday Evening – Children’s focus
Khary & Amy Lane hosting a meet & greet, 7-9 pm (4605 Fargreen Road, Harrisburg, PA 17110 )
Setting: backyard, fire pit, swimming pool
Activities: team building game for Volcy and FAC children
Dinner: Hot dogs, sandwiches, s’mores, chips, drinks, etc.
5/20 - Saturday (late morning/afternoon) – Meetings with Ministries
A Small Group Hosting - Lunch 11:30 am - 1:30 pm
Ministries Board- 2 pm – 3 pm
Governance Authority - 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm
5/21 – Sunday – Morning Service
Ricardo Volcy to preach sermon.
Meet & Greet Luncheon to follow morning service
Sandwiches, egg rolls, side salads, please bring a dessert to share
5/21 - Sunday Evening – Congregational Meeting
Congregational meeting at 7:00 pm at church.
Please come to give feedback to the Governance Authority
If you cannot attend the cong. mtg in person, please contact a member of the G.A.
~ Scott Smith – 717-565-1184,,
~ Dave Melville – 717-514-9060,
~ Thong Vo – 717-201-0058,
~ Greg Snyder – 717-497-2857,
Candidate Profile
Ricardo Volcy
Lead Pastor, Stroudsburg Alliance Church
Professional Summary: Dedicated and mission-focused, Pastor Ricardo has over 15 years of ministry experience in leadership roles. Skilled in creative community outreach, pastoral care, enthusiastic and lively teaching/preaching, and developing disciples of Christ. Passionate about creating a thriving, multi-cultural community and guiding individuals transformed by the gospel. Committed to spiritual formation, outreach, and mobilizing passionate workers. Seeking a lead pastor position to lead others in making disciples of Christ among people of all cultural backgrounds.
Bachelor of Arts: Youth & Family, Central Christian College of the Bible (Moberly, Missouri), Grad Year 2007
Spiritual Gifts and Skill
· Leadership: vision casting, training, empowering teams toward ministry goals.
· Preaching and teaching: Effective communicator of biblical truths to diverse audiences.
· Exhortation: Encouraging, motivating, and challenging individuals and groups to grow in faith.
· Strategic Thinking: Creative problem solver with a vision for growth and relational and community impact.
· Community Partnership: Building positive relationships with civic organizations and churches.
· Culture Creation: Creating an inviting and inclusive culture of belonging for current and new participants.
· Outstanding Interpersonal Skill: Relating to people of all ages, backgrounds and cultures.
Work History:
Lead Pastor, Stroudsburg Alliance Church (Stroudsburg, PA) 2018-PRESENT
Lead Pastor/Church Planter, The Hill Church/Heart of Harrisburg (Harrisburg, PA) 2013-2018
Assistant Pastor, Syracuse Alliance Church (Syracuse, NY) 2008-2013
Director of Youth Development and Community Outreach, Haitian Youth Association of C&MA 2004-2012
Wife – Christian; Children – Makaela, Mykael, Madisen, Mia and Myles
May 5, 2023
Candidating Weekend
The Pastoral Search Team has scheduled a candidate weekend with one of the candidates. Pastor Ricardo Volcy and his family will be in Harrisburg the weekend of May 21 for various meet & greets, and Pastor Ricardo will bring the message Sunday morning, followed by a church luncheon. Voting members of the church are strongly encouraged to attend in person.
Anyone who has questions or comments should reach out to any member of the Governance Authority.
The Governance Authority consists of:
Thong Vo, Dave Melville, Scott Smith and Greg Snyder.
*If you do not have their contact information, you can reach out to the church office for their email or phone number.
Sunday, April 16, 2023
On Sunday, April 16th, Transitional Pastor Joel Smith shared an update/check-in on the transition process. He reviewed points gained through the PEAK Survey & Process, had us pray over the Pastoral Search Committee, talked about the upcoming Sermon series and challenged us to pray over and consider both what we are looking for/need in our next Lead Pastor, and how we as a congregation can be making disciples.
Joel’s message begins and minute marker 29:49.
March 12, 2023
A member of the Pastoral Search Committee, Regina Kalbfleisch, gave a brief update on how to process is going currently.
You can watch & listen to her up by clicking here and scrolling to minute marker 1:33:00.
”Good Morning, my name is Regina. I’m privileged to be a part of the Pastoral Search Committee along with Marie Cassel, Angela Hess, Khary Lane, Dave Melville, Scott Smith, Thong Vo.
We’ve been busy praying, fasting, journaling, trusting; waiting along with you. It’s a very humbling process; it’s my first time being a part of this process. It’s a very humbling process, because God just keeps telling us to trust, and wait, and pray, watch me, I’ve got you. He keeps telling us that so we know we’re good, we’re in good hands. It has been a great journey. We’ve met together many times and we’ve created a portfolio we’ve put out on the District website. There are copies of that back there [in the lobby] if you’d like to see what we’ve put out. Then possible candidates reached out to the District Superintendent, Nate Howard and he sent us names. After receiving those names we’ve prayed about it, looked at their sermons, listened, prayed together, met again, and discussed. And we called two people into meet & greet meetings via zoom. After meeting with those two potential candidates we called one back for an in-person interview here. That happened last week. Praise God that went well. We’ve invited that person to a 2nd interview; that will be happening soon.
We’re moving right along with the process. We continue to ask for prayers from you as a congregation that we will continue to be able to hear God’s voice and discern. The next steps in the process would be, that depending on how this 2nd interview goes, we either ask the potential candidate to come and do a candidacy weekend here. That person would actually preach and we’d have a change to meet them. We’re not at that step yet but we are moving in that direction and we just ask for your prayers.”
March 5, 2023
At least one of the first round of [3-4] candidates has self-selected to pursue another opportunity.
This past weekend, the Search Committee had an in-person interview with one of the other first round candidates the first weekend of March. It went well. The Search Committee is taking time to pray and discern and still need to get back together to review/share their impressions.
The District Office has passed along another candidate’s name to the Committee to review as of last week.
January 29, 2023
On Sunday, Jan 29th, District Superintendent Nate Howard was at First Alliance Church. He brought the sermon while Pastor Joel was away. He gave an update on our Pastoral Search journey. Here is the transcript:
Good Morning! It’s a pleasure to be with you again. Before I bring the message I wanted to give an update on the Pastoral Search process. I call you again to pray in this process.
Thank you to the leaders in this church and all the effort and time they put in. It always falls more on the leadership. Time and again as churches go through this process, we see growth among the church & leadership in transitions.
Thank you in particular to the Search Team has done a lot of work and put together a representation of FAC that can be sent to candidates. The word out there is that they have done the best job ever by any church. They’ve done a really good job of work & preparation
I will be meeting with some on the Search team after service today. This week I presented 3 names of potential pastors. The Search team has a lot of work ahead of them of listening to sermons and reading a lot of material. Please be in prayer for them to have a real sense of discernment if one of these 3 are to be your pastor.
At the same time, I’ll also be looking for other names as well. We all want to be in prayer over this process
Thank you Pastor Joel Smith. I’m so grateful he has been able to serve you during this time, and I’m glad you’ve had a pastoral presence during this important season of the life of your church.
*Nate begins speaking at minute marker 41:35
January 2023
The Pastoral Search Committee has done a great, efficient job compiling the necessary documents required by the District Office to officially open, and begin accepting, applications for Lead Pastor.
Any interested persons should submit a resume to the District Office. For consideration, please send your resume to
Nov 13, 2023
Head Elder, Scott Smith gave an update Sunday morning with what the Pastoral Search Committee is currently working on. You can watch for yourself HERE, then scroll to minute 1:21:07.
A brief summary:
The Committee has met 3 times and has been working on a job description for the Lead Pastor. To clarify, the District Office has had the job posted with a general description for months on their website [saying that the position officially opens January 2023]. What the committee is doing is flushing out in more detail the specifics they are looking for in a Lead Pastor. For instance, they reviewed a list of 9 characteristics of a pastor, a list that goes beyond just preaching, and are determining what strengths would be the best fit for FAC prior to looking at any potential candidates. They are also figuring out things like a compensation package, forming a description of our area's demographics for candidates to get a feel of the surroundings, etc.
Scott called the congregation to the table in needing to be in prayer. He reminded us that we chose this process and are following it through. The Lord has already determined who is our next pastor and we need to be praying that we are ready and the Search Team is diligent and has oneness of spirit and mind.
Their next meeting is Monday, December 5th.
Oct 9, 2022
Please pray for our Pastoral Search Committee, that they would hear from the Lord as they seek out who He has next for FAC's Lead Pastor.
Our Search Committee members are:
Khary Lane (Chairman)
Marie Cassell
Regina Kalbfleisch
Angela Hess
Thong Vo
Dave Melville
Scott Smith
They are working diligently to draft a Church Profile, a Lead Pastor Profile and Interview Questions. The goal is to have it narrowed down to a consistent one page job description. The Alliance District Office will be the first to vet any candidate to ensure they align with C&MA theology and are of good standing. Then the District Office would pass along candidates whom they feel could be a good fit at FAC to the Pastoral Search Committee. (You can direct any candidates to the Eastern PA District Office here:
On October 9th, Pastor Joel gave an update on the Transition. Watch the message HERE to hear more about the results of the PEAK survey, the Search Committee and to review the Navigation Tools we've been practicing through this season of Transition.
A few observations from Pastor Joel in regards to the PEAK Survey we can/should be discussing as we walk through this season:
Your Coach’s Input, Ask Yourself…
Why did we score our church so high in Worship Gathering but we don’t invite guests?
Why do we struggle to attract, equip, empower and retain volunteers?
What could we do to nurture “loving community” within our congregation?
What are the earmarks of loving community?
What strengths do we need in our next pastor to lead us in the restoration process?
What is God asking me to do to help FAC navigate this transition and come out stronger?
Sept 11, 2022
Scott Smith, Head Elder, gave a brief update at the Sunday morning worship service. Watch HERE at minute 4:20.
The PEAK survey was completed, with the first meeting to go over the results of the survey having happened in Aug. The next meeting is tomorrow (Sept 12).
The Pastor search is still on-going. Currently we are putting together a search team. Khary Lane will head up the Search Team. It will also include the Elders (Scott Smith, Thong Vo & Dave Melville). They have reached out to a few others in the congregation and are still awaiting confirmations. Their first meeting will be Monday, Sept 26. When they decided to go with a Transitional Pastor, they knew the process would be minimally 6-9 months, so things are moving along smoothly and we are all thankful for that.
Aug 22, 2022
The Governance Authority began the formation of the Pastoral Search Committee at their last meeting. Serving on the committee will be the GA members and 3-4 others. Invitations have been issued and are awaiting responses. The Pastoral Search Committee will solidify documents that include a Pastor Profile (a.k.a. job description), a Church Profile (a.k.a. who we are), and Interview Questions. The District Office receives resumes, vetting them first, then pass along candidates they feel would be a good fit for FAC.
Questions and inquiries around this process can be directed to the church office which will be given to the Committee as they prayerfully move through the process.
Aug 8, 2022
A PEAK Committee has been formed and had their first meeting to begin review of the PEAK Survey results. Pray for this group as Pastor Joel coaches them that they would have their hands raised in surrender and hearts open to hear and discern what the Lord may be saying for First Alliance as they process the current state of the congregation.
July 17, 2022
The PEAK Survey has closed. The PEAK Profile is designed to identify the strengths a church can build on and the opportunities for growth. PEAK fosters a culture of improvement by creating positive dialogue and common language around church development. Leadership will take the next 7 months to process the results of the survey, shaping the church's forward motion based on the results.
On Sunday mornings we are in a Summer Sermon Series based on the 9 PEAK Essential Elements for advancing the church.
In the fall the sermon series will turn towards encouraging partnership... inviting folks to become partners and inspiring current partners (members) to re-commit themselves to the church.
June 19, 2022
The link to take the PEAK (Prepare to Expect the Advance of the Kingdom) Profile Survey is now open!
A message from Pastor Joel Smith, Transitional Pastor
"Dear FAC Family,
For the past few weeks, we have been talking about the transitional period including a time to gather input from you. It is time to take the PEAK survey!! Please share your input as you are experiencing First Alliance Church. There are no wrong answers.
The PEAK survey is anonymous and takes about 20 minutes to complete.
Question #9 asks you to identify yourself as either "attending", "volunteer/serving", or "leadership". To clarify, an FAC "leader" is someone who serves on Ministry or Elder Board and/or leads a ministry in the church (i.e. If you sit as Head Trustee, you are a leader. If you are one of the serving trustees, select volunteer/serve.) Following this helps PEAK provide the best reporting results for our church. If you have questions, you can reply to this email.
Here is the link to take the survey:
If you cannot complete the PEAK survey at home, we have a station set up in the Gathering Room (just past the restrooms in the upper hallway). You can come there after a morning service or call the office to schedule a time during the week.
Thanks again for taking the time to invest in the future of our church family and speaking IN by giving your input through the PEAK survey.
Hope to see you this Sunday,
Joel A. Smith
Rev., Dr. Joel A. Smith
FAC Transitional Pastor"
Late May 2022
During this transitional season for our congregation, a tool that the District Office would like us to go through is the PEAK Profile (Prepare to Expect the Advance of the Kingdom). Here will be an avenue through which we can speak in to the conversation of reflecting where we are at as a congregation can give voice to how we are each individually and corporately experiencing FAC. Peruse the brochure so you can be thinking how you would give input into these 9 essential elements of church life. The PEAK Profile will likely be available for participation late June. Stay tuned.
May 1, 2022
April 24, 2022
Special thanks to the team who brought together the wonderful Farewell Dinner for Pastor John & Lila. The event was catered by Macri's of Middletown (yum!). The evening included a time of sharing memories, well wishes and sending the Stoeckle's off with prayer as they embark on their next chapter of life in Dayton, Ohio.
Pastor Joel Smith was present at the morning service and introduced to the congregation. He will officially begin May 1 as Transitional Pastor. You can hear his bio starting at the 8:35 minute mark from the service HERE.
April 17, 2022
Pastor Joel Smith will be meeting the staff on Tuesday, April 19 and most likely visiting the church Sunday morning on April 24th. He will begin May 1.
Please be in prayer for Pastor John as he transitions and for Joel as he steps in and for the congregation as we navigate seeking our next Lead Pastor.
March 23, 2022
Pastor Joel Smith has accepted the role of transitional pastor as proposed by FAC's Transitional Team. He will begin May 1.
March 20, 2022
The Transitional Team interviewed Joel Smith last week on Thursday. Joel was a former pastor of Day Break C&MA Church (Mechanicsburg, PA) and has since moved into other ministries, including having done 3 or so other transitional roles with other churches. The interview went well. The transitional team unanimously decided to invite him to become our Transitional Pastor. Joel is praying about it and will give the team an answer by the evening of Monday, March 21. Pray for God's will to be done. The Transitional team feels good about it but Joel needs to as well. Keep in mind, should Joel (or whomever fills the role) would not be our permanent pastor. His role is temporary and purposeful... for about a year.
Scroll to minute mark 5:45 VIDEO
March 13, 2022
A transitional pastor is intended to help us navigate through our transition. After 6-9 months we anticipate installing our next permanent pastor. Pray for the Lord's protection over our church.
Scroll to minute mark 6:44 Youtube
March 6, 2022
The team who is selecting a Transitional Pastor have a candidate whom they are planning to interview on or around March 17th. His name is Joel Smith, a former pastor of Daybreak Church C&MA (Mechanicsburg, PA). He has a lot of experience with doing transitional interims, working with about 3 other churches. Please pray for the interview and that God's will would be done through this process.
Watch/listen to the update HERE, starting at minute marker 8:27
February 20, 2022
An update was shared with the congregation in the process of selecting a Transitional Pastor. There is a Transitional Team who have two candidates who are reviewing resumes, looking at sermons, etc. The Transitional Team consists of the Governance Authority (Scott Smith, Dave Melville, Greg Snyder, Thong Vo) plus two additions. Those two additions to the team are Regina Kalbfleisch and Roselyn Koakanou. They will meet again Tuesday, February 22 to review where they are with the two current candidates. Any questions please let them know.
Watch/listen to the update HERE, starting at minute marker 14:12
JANUARY 30, 2022
On Sunday, January 30th, Scott Smith (Elder) shared the next step that has been determined by the Governance Authority in our Pastoral Transition. (Emailed on Tuesday, February 1st). Listen to the update by CLICKING HERE and scroll to minute 14:55.
"Church Family,
Here are some comments from the Governance Authority's meeting held Tuesday, January 25, 2022 regarding the next step in our Pastoral Transition. Let's all be in prayer through this time.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The Governance Authority (GA) unanimously agreed, and Pastor John concurred, that a Transitional Pastor is the best option for FAC while we search for a permanent replacement pastor. This provides several benefits over Elder lead sermons, or weekly guest pastors:
Essentially full time pastoral care, 3-4 days per week. Will provide weekly services, consistency.
Will manage FAC Staff, other church business, and sit on Ministry Board and Governance Authority.
Will conduct a self-evaluation of FAC to help define who we are as a church, our spiritual path/goals moving forward and our pastoral needs, which will provide a template for our Pastor Search Profile. This is a core element of their training.
Transitional Pastors are trained to help churches in many ways. Three specific areas of their training that apply to FAC are:
Church is losing a long time pastor (almost 15 years).
Multi-ethnic churches
Churches that have experienced declining attendance
What to expect:
Candidates should be well vetted by the District office to match our needs.
The GA will ask a couple people from the congregation to assist in reviewing candidates for the Transitional Pastor. Review recorded sermons, writings, resumes, etc.
The Transitional Pastor is expected to serve for 6-12 months as we search for a new pastor. Probably more like 9-12 months.
The Transitional Pastor cannot be the replacement pastor; he is here to help us find our new pastor as well as help us grieve the loss of Pastor John.
The GA will communicate often with the congregation as the process unfolds.
Frequent prayer requests
That we will trust in God, that He will help us to not be anxious
That we will be unified throughout the process, that He will not let the enemy divide us
That God will deliver a new pastor to FAC according to His will
-The GA
Scott Smith, Dave Melville, Greg Snyder, Thong Vo"
JANUARY 18, 2022
A follow up message from the Governance Authority was emailed on Tuesday, January 18, 2022.
"Dear Congregation,
I would like to address you on behalf of the Governance Authority (GA). Last Sunday, January 9th, we met with Pastor John and he informed us of his decision to resign effective April 24th. We are sad to learn of the news, but completely understand the need for Pastor John and Lila to take the next step in their lives. They will be greatly missed.
The GA met with Nate Howard, the District Superintendent, on Wednesday January 12th, to discuss finding a replacement pastor. We were glad to hear that FAC has the full support of the District office during this transition period. Nate reviewed the process in place for selecting a new pastor. The GA will work closely with the District office through the transition period.
The GA would like to reassure the congregation that we have the full support of the District office and that a time tested process for selecting a replacement pastor is in place. Nate has been involved with selecting 29 replacement pastors, so he is very familiar with the process.
We will be communicating details with the congregation as they develop. It is our intention to keep everyone up to date as we move through this process. As some point in time, we will establish a Pastoral Search Committee to help develop a Pastoral Profile to help identify the best candidate for FAC. The committee will have a couple GA members and a handful of members from the congregation. The committee will be responsible for reviewing and discussing potential candidates. Many hours of service will be required from committee members during the search effort.
In closing, we are thankful for the service, dedication, leadership and friendship of Pastor John and Lila. We will miss them terribly and we wish them all the best as they open the next chapter of their lives. The GA will do its best to keep everyone up to date as we work through this. We take comfort that God is in control. Please pray with us for wisdom, discernment and unity as we begin the search for a new pastor.
Dave Melville (Elder)"
On Sunday, January 16th, Pastor John Stoeckle announced his resignation as Lead Pastor, effective April 24, 2022.
You can watch his announcement by CLICKING HERE (you will have to manually scroll ahead to time mark 1:18:07).
Here is what Pastor John shared:
"Last Sunday, in a meeting with the Governance Authority I resigned as Lead Pastor of First Alliance Church effective the end of April.
We will be moving to Dayton Ohio, Lila will be able to work remotely, and I am still seeking God’s will for my next step. Lila and I believe we have heard from the Lord about this move and we are following His call.
The Governance Authority has already met with Rev. Nate Howard our District Superintendent, who will, along with the Governance Authority, shepherd FAC through the calling of a new lead pastor.
I appreciate very much the ministry I have had here at FAC beginning August 20, 2007 for fourteen + years. When my resignation is effective it will be four months shy of 15 years.
God has used us in some special ways together and I am thankful for my time here. I believe a good foundation has been laid for the next lead pastor of FAC.
As we all move forward into the uncertain future, we know one thing for certain; that we can count on God’s love and care for us each day. He has a good future for Lila, me, and for First Alliance Church too.
Pastor John"