
4th & 5th Grade Bible Study
For all our 4th & 5th Grade students (whether you attend Sunday mornings or not) to learn more about the Bible, prayer, study and growing a personal relationship with Jesus. Miss Laurel leads this time as our Children’s Discipleship Director. See schedule below.
Direct questions to Miss Laurel
Curriculum: FORGED, Faith Refined

CONNECT youth group
For students in grades 6-12, we meet Sunday evenings from 6:30-8:00 PM. This is a time of Bible Study, fellowship, snacks, and games.
*We don’t meet on holiday weeks

Sisters in Jesus
Sisters In Jesus will begin meeting on Tuesday, September 24 at 9:45 a.m. till 11:30 a.m. We will be studying the book of James along with times of sharing and praying for one another. Anyone interested for more information can reach out to Judy Arva.

Floor Hockey, Pick up
Open to the public, pick-up floor hockey. Make note that it is full contact, wearing padding and gear, played in our Life Center/gym. Every Tuesday from roughly 7-9 PM

Spring Work Day
Many hands make light work.
Join us for family fun with helping hands as we spruce up the grounds and tidy the building with some deep cleaning.
Send work requests to Rick Brown, Head Trustee
“It’ll be fun” they said.

Cultural Festival
Help us celebrate the diverse beauty of our community and neighborhood, featuring cultural food, live performances, a prayer tent, cultural highlights, bounce house, craft, community organizations, and activities for families.
Will be located in the FAC parking lot.

Family Game Night
Join us for a fun night of bonding, laughter and games! Feel free to bring a snack to share and your favorite board/card or group game.
We will also be having a GAME DRIVE!! where you can bring games you do not want anymore and we will donate them to CCU (Christian Churches United) so they can share them with families in trauma.
This meeting is open to anyone wanting to help out with planning Vacation Bible School. Not sure how you can help? Come, and talk through your gifts and ways you like to serve/help with Miss Laurel. There is a place for you!

Guest Speaker - Nick Mucci
Nick Mucci serves as the Director of Development at Christian Churches United here in Harrisburg, PA.
The mission of Christian Churches United of the Tri-County Area is a partnership of over 100 Christian congregations in Dauphin, Cumberland and Perry Counties that work together with concerned individuals, public and private funders, and numerous partner agencies to support our neighbors in need. We provide a continuum of programs seeking to address both crisis housing situations and chronic causes of housing and financial instability. While motivated by Jesus' love and example, we service clientele without regard to religion or creed. We are Christian Churches United: United in service and love to those facing homelessness, poverty and incarceration.
First Alliance is pleased to partner along side of the great work CCU is doing in our community to serve the least of these.

Vision Sunday & Annual Meeting, Part II
We will hold our entire Sunday morning service in the Life Center - worship, review of our 2024 Annual Report and then glide into Vision Sunday where we pray, listen, brainstorm and dream all the Lord has for us to engage in ministry through First Alliance Church in 2025.
AND come hungry! We will share in a fellowship meal and kick off the Soup-or-Bowl celebrations prior to all the Superbowl excitement.

Kids Night Out
Kids will get a chance to have a Valentine’s party while parents have an evening to do whatever they want or need to do. Register your child with Miss Laurel

Bowling, family outing
FAC families of children and youth are welcome to join us for a fun afternoon of Bowling!
Bring $5 per person, and the rest of your bowling fees will be covered.
**Any extra items bought at the snack bar, or additional games will be at the discretion and out of pocket of the individual families.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Join us for Christmas Eve Service. A one hour celebration of Christ’s first coming featuring a devotional by Pastor Ricardo, a hand bells song by the children, a skit by the 5th graders and finishing out with Christmas Carols by candlelight.

Hershey Sweet LIghts trip
The 4th & 5th Grade Bible Study will take a festive trip to view Hershey Sweet Lights Monday evening. Meet at the church at 6:30 PM.

Crunch - Christmas Brunch
We will share in a Christmas brunch/lunch '- “Crunch” - as a church family on Sunday, December 22nd. The entire service will be held in the Life Center (gym). We will start at the regular time, 10:15 AM, and enjoy Christmas Carols, a meal, a devotional by Pastor Ricardo - the final installment of current sermon series Christmas Choices - and fellowship together. Join us!
You can bring a hot side dish or dessert to share.

CONNECT Christmas Party
We’ll have our youth Christmas Party after the annual meeting, starting roughly around 12:30 PM or so. Ugly Christmas sweaters, games, music - celebrating the season together.
(We won’t meet in the evening of Dec 15, and we also won’t meet Dec 22 or Dec 29 - enjoy the holidays!)

Basketball, Pick up
Open to the public, pick-up basketball., played in our Life Center/gym. Typically every Friday from roughly 6:00-7:15 PM
Kandi Lay Day!
Come spend the morning and afternoon with International Worker Kandi Lay. She will speak during the morning service first. Then we’ll have a fellowship meal together in the Life Center, followed by hearing stories from Cambodia and a Q&A time.
*You can sign up HERE to bring something to the Soup & Sandwich Potluck Meal.
**Since we’ll be spending the day with Kandi, there will be no CONNECT youth gathering or 4th&5th Grade Bible Study in the evening.

Trunk or Treat
We invite you and your neighbors to come to the church parking lot for stories from the Bible and Treats! Each station will share part of the Bible’s story and have treats to hand out to folks young and old. We love seeing the creative costumes too!
Guest Speaker - Alan Rathbun
Pastor Ricardo will be out of town so Alan Rathbun, on staff at the District Office, will be sharing.
Alan Rathbun enjoys asking thoughtful questions and the opportunity he has to encourage and equip pastors to help them be faithful and fruitful with Jesus. He's surprised as anyone to have spent his whole ministry career so far in Harrisburg, PA. He first served as a youth pastor, then as a church planter, and now serves in his current role with the district. He's married to Sandra, his college sweetheart from Lancaster Bible College, and they have 2 sons, 1 daughter, 1 daughter-in-love, and 1 son-in-love. He is always up for a road trip, especially if it includes exploring God's beautiful creation, watching some baseball, or eating good ice cream.

Guest Speaker - Scott Smith
Pastor Ricardo will be out of town so one of our elders, Scott Smith will share from the pulpit. Enjoy worship, prayer and fellowship together. Come early for a sweet treat in our café!

Church Outside & Picnic Lunch
We’re going to have Church Outside, under a tent at the home of one of our members.
The church service will start at 10:45 AM and we will follow it up with a picnic lunch.
NO service will be held at the church that morning!
Sign-up with what dish you will bring on the clipboard in the church lobby. Last names that start with A-M, bring a dessert, last names N-Z bring a side dish.
The church will provide hamburgers/hot dogs, buns, drinks and paperware.
** rain date: Sun, Sept 29
EPAD Business Conference
We are honored to be the host site for the Eastern PA District of the C&MA’s annual business conference. We’ll start with worship at 9 AM by Carlos & Dania Ramirez, followed by the program the District Office has prepared for you. There will be a break for lunch (~12:00-1:00 PM - boxed lunch provided, however there are a few restaurants within a short driving distance if you prefer something else), concluding around 3 pm with Q&A.
*Registration must go through the EPAD
DanceFit Class
Every Wednesday!
DanceFit is an opportunity for women and teen girls to get the body moving and blood pumping. No dancing skills required! Just come to get in your steps, bond with other ladies, and feel better about your health journey.
Our plan is to run the class through the summer. May is our start-up month of getting the momentum going. So come on out and join in the fun.
Direct questions to Christian Volcy.
Wednesday Night Bible Study
Join us for a weekly Wednesday evening Bible study, where we will dive deeper into the themes of Philippians and explore how we can cultivate unshakable joy in our own lives. These sessions will provide a space for reflection, discussion, and spiritual growth, helping us to strengthen our relationship with Christ and, consequently, our joy.
Just come and enjoy!
The last Wednesday night Bible Study on Philippians will conclude Sept 18.

VBS Debrief Mtg
If you helped at all with Vacation Bible School, please come to help debrief the week so we can learn from how things went and be even more prepared for an impactful event in 2025. We will meet in the Gathering Room (upstairs). Thank you!

Cultural Festival
Help us celebrate the diverse beauty of our community and neighborhood, featuring cultural food, live performances, a prayer tent, cultural highlights, bounce house, craft, community organizations, and activities for families.
Will be located in the FAC parking lot.

Vacation Bible School
Join us the first week of August for Breaker Rock Beach VBS.
For children ages 4 years old through 5th grade!
VBS will run Mon-Fri from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM.
Questions can be directed to our Miss Laurel, our Children’s Discipleship Director

Free Ice Cream
Serving our Friday night community basketball and neighborhood, come out for a free taste of ice cream, courtesy of your friends at First Alliance Church.

3B’s Family Ice Cream Outing
Family Fun Outing
3B’s Ice Cream! (4701 Derry St, Harrisburg, PA).
*Bring cash or card to pay for your family’s frozen treats

Family Roller Skating
Christian Music Skate Night
At Olympic Skating Center in Enola (60 E Shady Ln, Enola, PA).
*Please bring $5/per to help cover admission expenses. Bring extra cash for any snacks you want to purchase during the evening. [Facility accepts cash only]

Baby Bottle Blast
The Capital Area Pregnancy Center/Life Choices Clinic fundraiser drive runs from Mother’s Day (May 12) through Father’s Day (June 16). Pick up a baby bottle from the lobby, fill it with cash, coins or check, and return it by 6/16. Thank you for supporting this very important work in our city.
Paint & Praise
Come out for an evening of fellowship, instructor-led painting, light snacks and praise music!
For ages 13+. Open to the public.

Easter Sunday
He is risen!
He is risen indeed!
Join us for worship and awe of the greatest gift, Jesus Christ.

Prayer Walk
Join us in a prayer walk around the neighborhood to cover it in prayer as we celebrate the Lamb of God this Easter.