What to Expect
What to Expect When You Visit
We realize that visiting a church for the first time can be intimidating. When you arrive at our building, look for a parking spot marked for first-time guests. The main entrance to our Worship Center is located in the center of our building under the canopy. When you enter you can expect:
A warm welcome. Guests will be greeted as they walk in the doors of First Alliance. If this is your first time visiting, you will receive a welcome bag and a visitor card that you can fill out with your contact information.
Engaging Worship Services. Our worship services typically consist of an opening song, a children’s sermon (children ages 3-5th grade are asked to come to the front of the sanctuary and sit up front with Miss Laurel while she gives her message), another worship song and elder prayer, then children are dismissed to their classes, pastor’s message, response time, communion (first Sunday of every month), announcements of events or important things to note, closing song, and a word of blessing.
There is a parking lot that surrounds church building. There are 3 or 4 guest parking spots (marked with signs) along the side of the building.
At First Alliance Church we have a casual “come as you are” culture, although being a multi-cultural church, some folks prefer to dress up for Sunday service.
Upon arrival at First Alliance Church, parents/guardians should check their children in at the kids’ check in table in the lobby. We do not currently staff the Nursery room but it is open for parents to got back with any infants/toddlers.
Upon arrival at First Alliance Church, parents/guardians should check their children in at the kids’ check in table in the lobby. Once they are checked in, kids ages 3-5th grade will remain with their parents/guardians for the first half of the service. After the children’s sermon during the service, all children will be dismissed for their children’s church classes.
Frequently asked questions